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Does a woman ever "owe" a man sex?

Are men ever owed sex on account of them simply being men?

In many ways, society normalizes the message that sex is something men must obtain and women must forfeit as it so plainly is described in the common phrases "getting sex" and "giving up" sex for men and women respectively. Messages like this may make it seem as if there are instances where women would "owe" men sex in exchange for a nice act, generous gesture, or even simply because of the status of their relationship.

In fact, many of the "normal" behaviors regarding sex that are depicted in society may seem powerless and inoffensive when looked at on a case by case basis, but looked at through the scope of a larger cultural lens and analyzed by way of a more objective attitude, we can see how the emphasis and the intertwining of male sexuality and dominance can very often make it seem as if female sexuality exists solely for male gratification. This view of sexuality plays a huge part in how we answer the question: does a woman ever "owe" a man sex?

However, I want to make one thing very clear- women regardless of their relationship status, how nice the guy is, how much flirting occurs, how aroused the guy becomes, how much the guy has spent on the date, how long the couple has been together, or how long it's been since the last time sex has occurred- don't owe sex to anyone!!

Women have the right to determine what they do with their own bodies and should make no apologies for it. In a male dominated society, it is imperative that women are reminded that it is their decision and theirs alone as to what they want to do with their bodies and who and when they want to share it.

So if there was still any confusion- the answer to this question is NO!!

Khaliq, A. (2014, March 29). 10 tricks to make your woman want sex. Retrieved from

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