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Moms Going Back To School

As autumn nears and students are heading back to school for the upcoming semester, I wanted to focus on a certain group of students: adult students. Adult students are the fastest growing demographic in the United States; and as older students are going back to college in an effort to refine their skills, improve their job prospects, and advance their careers- one group of older students in particular is going back to school while facing very unique challenges: mothers.

Many mothers face the challenge of pursuing an education while maintaining a job like many adults, but because of their obligations as parents, many face additional obstacles and hardships. One challenge in particular is time management. Mothers going back to school are required to learn to divide their time appropriately by learning how to prioritize and balance the demands of parenting and education. As challenging as it seems though, many mothers are going back to school in record numbers both traditionally and nontraditionally.

Although, it is difficult, many mothers are making it work through dedication, focus, and hard work; and the rewards are proving to be incredibly beneficial as the additional education results in job promotions, new careers, higher salaries, and personal fulfillment.

So if you are thinking about going back to school this fall, remember the benefits far outweigh the challenges (though at times it doesn’t always feel like it). Below are some tips I learned from personal experience to help you get through the semester.

Some back to school tips this fall:

Remember how important time management is- whether that is setting aside a regular study time or setting an alarm to avoid spending too much time on one thing.

Asking for help-whether asking for help includes reaching out to a guidance counselor, career advisor, or family members for support, it is imperative to know that everyone can use some extra assistance.

Try doing homework when your children do homework- this allows you the opportunity for some quiet time while everyone works hard on their studies at home.

But the most important tip from one former student mother to another- remain confident in your abilities and stay focus on your goals. Best of luck to you all who are returning to school this fall!


WAHM. (2012, October 30). Retrieved from

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