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3 Reasons why Single Mothers are Super Heroes

Single mothers are something like superheroes . Ready to save the day and fight evil when it arises. Others might have a Robin, Kid Flash, or even Bat Girl, but the true beauty of a supermom is that she has the bravery and willpower to do it by without any extraordinary powers.

Being a single mom is tough, it’s one of the hardest things that anybody can do really. It’s hard to make everything work money wise, and time wise . But the best thing I found to be helpful was these 3 steps by Christine Coppa ( a single mom, author, and blogger ) on surviving being a single mom .

1.Seek Role Models

A lot of inspiring and influential people are either single moms themselves or were raised by single mothers. Make a list of these people that inspire you and refer back to it when you're having a bad day. For example, President Obama, was raised by a single mom and he turned out to be the President of the United States .

2. Find a work schedule that suits your family

This is probably one of the top 5 you really have to worry about with being a single mother. Having enough time to do the things you need to do, such as working and picking up the kids from daycare, can become very stressful when it seems like everything is back to back . The most important thing is to express your needs to your employer. Most companies want to work with you and not against you.

3. Schedule Free Time

This is very important if you want to keep your sanity . You need time for yourself. Other couples have date nights and other things, you deserve it too . Arrange for a babysitter so you can go out and relax. It’s okay to take care of yourself and have a day to yourself.

And that's just a taste of the enlightenment she shares. Being a single mom is a hard test not all could do, but it is a task worth trying. So when times are hard, just breathe and give yourself props. It’s not easy being a superhero.

Citations :

Coppa, Christine. "10 Single Mom Secrets." Web. 24 June 2015

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